A bridal shower is a great way for friends and family to meet before the big day. Sometimes, having different personalities in one room can be a challenge, but with a few different bridal shower games up your sleeve, you'll have everyone chatting in no time!
In this blog, we have provided ideas and links to some of the best bridal shower games you can play which act as great ice breakers and also provide a few laughs.
1. Bridal Charades
What person doesn't like charades?! Most people know the rules which makes it an easy choice, and it gets everyone out of their seat. Believe us when we say it can get pretty competitive!
Charades is a great game to play if the mood is low and there's little chat amongst the guests. Simply pull out a charade, get everyone guessing what it is and the person who guesses correctly is the next one to perform the next charade!
We have created bridal party charades which are themed around marriage and love (aww!) which will tie in well with your bridal theme. Our charade cards include TV Shows, Songs, Movies and Books.
This game has 36 printable cards, so there should be enough charades for each person to have a turn!
Simply buy, print and cut out the cards!

This is a perfect game for a bridal shower as the cards don't have any naughty cards (which might embarrass you in front of your Mum or Grandma!).
Download it Here
2. Bridal Pictionary
Bridal Pictionary is a good game choice if you're looking for something that will have everyone playing as a group. Another great ice-breaker style game, Pictionary is an activity everyone can get involved with and this one is also Grandma and Mum friendly... (although we do have a naughty version too for the more daring brides!).
Simply print the Pictionary sheet, cut out the card prompts and fold them up so that no one can see what the cards say.
Each person must pick out a card/prompt which they must then draw on a piece of paper or a whiteboard for the others to see and guess!
Download It Here
Where Were They?
This is a fun game that the bride-to-be will absolutely love! Take everyone on a trip down memory lane and print off a handful of photos of the bride and groom-to-be. Number the photos and ask the guests to guess where the love birds were!
We have put together this free digital download to help you bring the presentation of the game together so it looks pretty!
Simply print off the display sign we have created (size is 5x7 inches!), print this onto A4, cut to size and simply add to a 5x7 frame.
We have also provided quiz sheets and numbers that you can also print off to accompany the sign.
Get the game for free here.
The Mr & Mrs Paddle Game
Another interactive game that will have guests laughing and learning more about the bride and hubby-to-be!
This game is a popular one that is played at weddings with the newly married couple, but at the bridal shower you can play this game by simply having a bridesmaid or bridal party member act as the hubby (all you need is a list of his answers before the bridal shower!).
The aim of the game is for someone to ask the couple a list of questions (like "who is the best cook?" - the bride and groom sit back to back and answer the questions by showing the object that represents 'bride' or 'groom'. The object could be a pink paddle for the bride and a blue paddle for the groom, or a high heel shoe for the bride and a shoe for the groom.
All you need is a set of questions, your two chosen objects for 'bride' and 'groom', and a volunteer to act as the hubby.
A quick summary on how to play has been shown below, and we've provided a full post which gives you over 90+ questions you can include.
Get a Full List Of Questions and Ideas Here!
Find The Guest Bingo
This has to be one of our favourites, and even better, you can get this game for free off of our website!
We can vouch for this game and say it is an amazing and the quickest ice-breaker you'll find, which is why we love it.
The find the guest quiz will give you a range of different scenarios (shown on the sheet below), like "grew up with the bride", "has been travelling for more than 3 months", etc. The idea is for the guests to match a name to the circles.

Not only will it get everyone mixing right away, it is a great opportunity for guests to find things they have in common with other guests.
The first guest to have a full line (4 circles) filled out with names wins! Why not try for a full house if the guests enjoy it (we're sure they will!).
Get The Game Here
How Well Do You Know The Bride?
This is a staple that everyone knows how to play! We recommend handing out this game after the hen party or bridal shower has hit its' peak and all guests have met and broke the ice.
This game is more of a single-player style game, so it definitely isn't the game to start with. It's a great time filler type quiz which can be filled out maybe after food or while eating dessert!
A pretty straight forward game, simply ask the hens to fill out the quiz to find out who knows the bride-to-be best!
Get it here!
Bridal Shower Bundle - Celebrity Couples, Chick Flicks, Henagrams & Who Said What?
We've kept one of the best til' last with our bridal party bundle. This bundle includes 4 different quiz-style games which have gone down a treat at so many of our bridal showers!
What's included?:
- All About the Bride
- The Couple Challenge (similar to the Mr and Mrs Quiz)
- Celebrity Couples Quiz
- Who Said What
- Henograms
- Chick Flicks
These are fun games to play if you have a bridal shower, simply print out the quiz sheets and have them ready in case you need a few more games up your sleeve!
We especially love the chick flicks quiz, as movies are a great topic of conversation and we've added some classics in. Why not get the guests to compete in small teams, so it gives everyone a chance to mingle and get to know one another?
Get the Bundle Here.